READING: Stillness [B2]

All the objects I kept tracking including my girlfriend speaking to me for a long time have just disappeared. I see only a ray of sun appearing through the darkish clouds. Time has never existed, my only feeling now is ultimate joy. I feel stillness in an infinite perspective. I feel all the world connected to me and function with me, I’m not separate human being anymore. The sensation is so strong I don’t think any junkie ever could feel it. I don’t know for sure what It was and what caused it as I got back through the next second to see her perplexed look on me.

- Are you okay?
- Oh, I’m more than okay. I’m great! Or I’m less and smaller than a fraction of a second.. I just feel amazing, you know!

Sure you don’t think we have found something in common having that conversation. People can’t understand those sensations if they don’t feel the same at the moment. It’s hard even to remember them when you try to explain. The feeling that unites our spirits with the whole world is like a taboo for people. As people in my native town used to say: don’t fly in the clouds. That means you should always be concentrated on what is happening around you and the dreams are of no use. I used to listen to Zen Thinking Podcast when I did some workhouse and there were the same feelings shared by the podcast maker. These feelings give us energy and regenerate our power. The only joy you can feel is the feeling of the present moment.

Really it is so surprising that there are tons of You-Tube blogs and discussions on the Internet about this phenomenal and sometimes abnormal feeling. We consider it as something too pure to be simple but it is the simplest one feeling you can experience in your lifetime. I remember myself being a child. It seems like I lived immersed in this feeling every day of those days. Now I can hardly touch it and it became so rare because of a routine and issues to solve that I forgot the whole purity of the moment. 10 minutes a day to practice slow breathing can benefit to revival of purity and help gain natural power every day.  

This was written by Anton Elenin

This photo was made by ooppers

Have you ever felt the same sensation as author did?
Do you practise yoga or meditation?