All of students have gone through hardships learning tons of grammar rules and reading boring texts about some history museum in somewhere. EngBridge suggests you rather different but more relevant approach. The well-known fact is human brain has two types of memory or it is good to divide them to these two: short term and long term. We forget about most things we get to know every day in a week or faster if we don't use this new knowledge.
Your English is your muscle. To become an Upper-Intermediate or Advanced Level student you should use it every day by listening to English speech and reading English words. There are 4 skills your character has in this eternal RPG-type game: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Watch videos, listen to audio-books, read magazines and follow your favourite trends by using English. There are funny and exciting ways to learn English and won't be bored. Just do the same as you do on the Internet in Russian. Change your public pages feed to some news and posts in English, maybe there will be the topic you know perfectly well and you will easily have the understanding of new things on it. Here are the best apps. sites and other ways to learn English forgetting the fact that you are studying.
Lingualeo. The days you read books in English using your vocabulary book have gone. Now just click on a word and it will be translated. Now there is not only Lingualeo available but many other browser apps that help you to read not only books on their platforms but anywhere on the Internet. Read news on sport or books of your favourite authors, click on words and get fast translation.
pic. More experienced students can use apps Quorra (answers to the most entertaining questions) and DiggIn (the most popular topics from many respected media services in one feed).
TuneIn is a free app where you can listen to any radio station around the globe. Of course, it is of no use to listen to songs. Better to use talking radios for more improvement. I used to listen RadioLab. They do a great show. Teachers claim that it is useful to listen to English speech even if you understand only a 30% of it.

This photo was made by ooppers
Nowadays there are tons of videos, movies, TV shows in English that can catch your interest. I suppose you knew this fact without me putting it here. The thing I'd like to recommend is TED-talks - all the most successful entrepreneurs, builders, teachers, scientists and other come out with monologues consisted of ideas, suggestions on the quality of our everyday life and the world improvement. From TED I knew about flying cars and things that seemed to be impossible to me. YouTube is a great things to go with English. WHAT IF is a new show about thing we can suggest or predict but which haven't happened yet. What if we burn all our garbage on the Sun or what if it could be real Zombie Apocalypse? Let's find out with WHAT IF series.
There are just some examples and there are much more exciting ways to improve your English just by entertaining on the Internet. Hope this article was useful.