YouTube: How to Be a Smartass with no Effort - "Crashcourse" on every Discispline [B2-C1]

Everyone at least once missed his/her classes at school. The whole courses on biology, history, physics, you name it, sometimes were so difficult to assimilate that it was enough to fail the whole course just by missing one or two classes.

These animated "Crash Course" series are aimed at explaining comprehensive disciplines from cover to cover using appealing animated characters and pictures. You might be interested at pharaons, Greek Gods or chemistry and physics formulas, you might be missing some basic knowledge on this - watch "Crash Course" cartoons to fill the gaps. Almost 10 million subscribers and a channel for kids speak for themselves.

I put here my favourite one, the first episode of World History Course for you to enjoy. From agricultural revolution to modern times and maybe some words on future - you might see the whole picture in the interpretation of these guys. magazine is always here to inform you about the most exciting materials on the Internet. Thank you for following and studying English, thank you for choosing the most exciting method for it - just surfing the Internet in your favourite way.